Inner Wisdom Coaching
Have you been rethinking your life and where you are now? Do you feel overworked or undervalued? Is the pressure of being a boss, employee, parent or caretaker getting you down?
If you’re ready to take the steps to feel better about yourself, your career and your personal life,schedule an appointment now and get moving in a feel better direction today. We can help you! Create a compelling vision, discover how to take small, powerful steps to lasting changes. Know how to avoid the pitfalls that could derail your goals and desires to live your best year yet.
Our methodology teaches you how to finally banish burnout and end overwhelm for good. You can get back to having a meaningful and fulfilling life without having to sacrifice your health, relationships, your happiness or your security. It may feel impossible at the moment but we watch our clients do this everyday. You don’t have to walk away from your career in order to have a meaningful and balanced life.
Want to know how? Check out our coaching programs.
The Inner Wisdom Methodology:
Our Inner Wisdom methodology is our proven process to help you make the transformation in your wellness and your life which can be used in many contexts. Each phase will bring clarity and momentum to help you move in alignment towards your vision:
Discover your challenges currently holding you back and decide on your focus for change
Dream is an opportunity to imagine the new possibilities for your future self
Define will bring clarity and focused energy to the direction of your goals
Design your destiny through the supported implementation with your plans
Deliver your dream by implementing your design for your life vision
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. ”
Are you contemplating a life shift to align with your truest self? If you’re ready to experience your greatest joy and fulfillment, Trisha can guide you with a proven process to be where you want to be, living the life of your greatest dreams. As your guide she will help you make your transformation exponentially quicker than figuring it out and going through it alone. It’s time to be living the life you love! Get in touch and let’s get started.
Learn more about coaching with Trisha Farrar.
Are you experiencing anxiety, feeling stressed, or just unable to stay focused? Christy can help you to bring your life together as a whole, activating your power to access your true potential to create the life you desire.
Learn more about coaching with Christy Shriner.