Corporate Trainings
“We contracted with Inner Wisdom Wellness (IWW) to provide a series of wellness webinars for our staff via zoom in 2021 to help us cope with the stress and anxiety many are experiencing as a result of the pandemic and staff shortages. Staff actively participated in the sessions, learned techniques to incorporate into their busy lives, and shared ideas with each other.
Trisha and Christy gave the staff an outlet each month to address the stress they were dealing with and develop plans to better cope. I am so glad we did this for our staff and highly recommend Inner Wisdom Wellness to other organizations that are struggling with many stressors. ”
As seen on Out N' About Columbus!
Energy Healing
“I emerged from my Wellness session with Christy feeling relaxed, peaceful, connected and out of pain, even though I cannot really describe what she did.
Every time I think about our session, I get those feelings over again. I’d recently left New York City, where I have worked as a psychotherapist for more than 30 years. I spent this last year inside my apartment on Zoom, trying to ease my patient’s distress with no time or space to consider my own. I arrived for a vacation in Costa Rica totally burnt out. My friend insisted that Christy was what I needed most.
I was skeptical and exhausted and willing to try anything. I made an appointment, but I never expected to feel truly renewed. Her gentle, knowledgeable energy felt like an infusion of pleasure. My body relaxed and so did my rattled brain.
Life may be uncertain, but one thing I do
know is that I’m going back to see Christy again. And again. She’s the real deal.”
“I really enjoyed all of the useful tools given for self-care and I also really enjoyed the conversation and connection. I know I am in a safe place.
There is something to be said when space is provided and tools are given from a place of pure heart in
the avenue of holistic healing. Trisha and Christy are absolutely wonderful teachers and facilitators in
the work that they do. A truly serene place and space they
provide for others.”
“After a dark couple of months, it restored my positive thinking and provided techniques to control
stress, anxiety and fear. I gained an understanding of different types of meditation.”
“I really enjoyed my time at this retreat... great conversation and great company! I learned a lot about being more mindful and reducing stress. This was a wonderful event for like-minded people to work together on ways to be less stressed. Great atmosphere! I plan to attend more!”
“Join the fun! From this retreat, I learned how we can manage stress in your life — the best way to be healthy and whole.”